Benefits of Contactless Hand Sanitizer Dispensers in Your Facility

Whether you’re looking for infectious disease control measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission or an easy way to help to combat the regular flu season, no-hand touch dispensers can help minimize exposure in your facility. As more and more businesses are now having employees start returning to work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, implementing public safety strategies into your facility is more crucial than ever. No Contact Required: Unlike manual sanitizer bottles or foot-operated dispensers, contactless sanitizer dispensers can be operated without touching them. All you need to do is to place your hands below the nozzle, and it will dispense the sanitizer. This is made possible by the use of infrared or ultrasonic sensors. Elimination of common contact points ensures ultimate safety and protection from germs. Easy Accessibility: Whether positioned on a hand sanitizer stand or walls, no-touch hand sanitizer dispensers are a convenient way for employees to maintain hygie...