Floor Cleaning Tips to Help Your Office Shine

Traditional damp mopping remains the best way to clean many types of flooring. While Swiffer-type pads combined with sweeping are great for daily cleanup of dust and light soil, only a good, thorough weekly damp mopping with a proper cleaning solution can really provide the deep-down cleaning a floor needs. So, if you’re wondering about the best way to clean your floors, you’ve come to the right place.


Hardwood floors are both beautiful and enduring, especially when given the kind of care they deserve. Regular cleaning and upkeep, combined with the occasional re-coating every few years will ensure that your hardwood floors last a lifetime. While mopping, use as little liquid as possible, frequently wringing out your mop. For cleaning hardwoods, we recommend mopping your floors using a mixture of water and vinegar followed by a warm water rinse and drying your floors to remove excess moisture.


Tile floors are beautiful and durable, but sometimes they can be a pain to clean. The grout between your tiles can hold onto stubborn stains. To clean your tile floors, first, sweep the area and remove any surface dirt. An equal-parts mixture of hot water and vinegar works well for tile. If you need to address grout stains, we suggest using the same solution and scrubbing between your tile with a firm toothbrush. Once your floor is clean, rinse with clean water and wring out your mop as much as you can to remove moisture from your tile.


Marble floors are trickier than tile or hardwoods. Marble will scratch easily, so it’s important to clean it correctly. To avoid the scratching and dulling of marble’s shine, avoid acidic cleaners including vinegar. We recommend a highly diluted mixture of or ammonia and water (1/2 cup of ammonia per gallon of water). Once you’ve mopped, dry the floor using a soft towel to avoid the marble absorbing moisture.


Laminate floors are pretty durable and easy to clean. We recommend sweeping or dry mopping regularly to keep them in good shape. When it’s time to clean your laminate, the safest way to clean is with hot water, because laminate comes in different varieties, some of which are sensitive to soaps and acidic cleaners. Use a sponge mop and wring it out well so that your mop is just damp. Go about cleaning carefully and dry the area with a microfiber towel or cloth. You can also consider using vinegar or a soap solution to mop with, but be sure that you know what kind of laminate you have and how to care for it.

Find more information about Floor Cleaners Qatar at: Dhofar Global.

Source & Reference: https://dhofarglobal.wordpress.com/2021/06/24/floor-cleaning-tips-to-help-your-office-shine/


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